It was strange to her, this world she’d come to, how much they took for granted the great treasures that were given to them , treasures that had long ago ceased to exist in her own world. These creatures, these humans, they really had no idea how rare and valuable a thing they had. A working atmosphere, clean air free of poison’s fumes, pure drinking water, all commodities that no longer existed in much of the galaxy. They even had fish, fish, of all things. Not a single fish existed on any of the seven worlds that made up the known universe. They’d been fished to extinction long before the waters they inhabited turned black and uninhabitable.
Yes, this was a very strange world indeed.
She turned to her computer screen, not the clumsy awkward things the people of this planet used with the quaint keyboard and clicker, no, this one was from her own world, a world she left at the behest of her people to investigate this world and report back with what she’d found.
Day seventeen, Omaha Nebraska, General Language Date 1212-9. Earth Date, AD 2009.
Alien Relations Specialist Ketara Helyne-Serial # 1132553.
Weekly Report, sent 1200 central time.
---My findings of the creatures known as humans who inhabit the planet they call earth are as follows.
-Alien military technology remains at a very primitive and quaint level, but remains highly destructive.
-High levels of oxygen in planet’s atmosphere would hinder the capabilities of our fighters who are used to living in much lower levels of oxygen. Human inhabitants capable of breathing and using the high oxygen levels to their advantage, making them highly skilled fighters with athletic capabilities far beyond our own.
- Data suggests that in the case of an invasion the humans would be far more likely to use nuclear weapons in their defense as a means of last resort, despite the damage that would be done to the planet, rather than submitting.
-The human species is divided between more than two hundred governments, thousands of religious, and millions of different political philosophies. At no point in time has the planet ever been united under one government body with one religion; rivalries are common.
I do not suggest an armed invasion of this planet for the following reasons. 1) The great skill human worries posses due to their lungs ability to take in and use much more oxygen then our own. 2) Their willingness to risk destroying themselves in their own defense. 3) The tendency for humans to resist occupations and survive exterminations by their own kind.
-Friendly, not hostile. Befriend major government bodies and their respective religious affiliation. Suggested points of contact are, 1) United States Government, capitol Washington DC, religious affiliation Free Religion. 2) Russian Federation, capitol Moscow, religious affiliation Christian. 3) Holey Catholic Church, capitol Vatican, head of Catholic Church.
---Sent to---
Alien Relations Headquarters,
Commander Telerak Henss, Danthem-Quintan
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
My favorite bands
Sometime a few years back, I was up late one night and saw on VH1 a show about heavy metal and hard rock that would change the way I looked at music forever. It wasn't so much the show itself as the music it convinced me to look into. Before this time, I was kind of a prude when it came to music. Cussing in music made me uncomfortable, Christian music was the order of the day, and the hardest thing I listened to was Skillet, who I still like, but are hardly a metal band. I went out and bought the Black Album by Metallica, and Apatite for Destruction by Guns N' Roses. Though Black Album was just okay to me, AFD blew me away. I was completely stunned by how much I loved that album, and soon after my musical revolution got into full gear. This is a list of the bands I've discovered and the music I've come to love. Enjoy.

2. Guns N' Roses. No band that I know of, with the exception of The Who, has more energy in their music than GNR. Appetite for Destruction, along with Who's Next, is my all time favorite album, and who can blame me? With Rock greats like Welcome to the Jungle, Night Train, Sweet Child O' Mine, and Paradise City, there is not a single bad song, or even an okay song, on the whole album. It’s just THAT amazing. Though short lived, GNR took the world by storm before Axle Rose took them into a nose dive. Use Your Illusions I and II were both great, with II being the better IMO. Favorite song, Sweet Child O’ Mine.

4. Megadeth. A good thing Metallica kicked Dave Mustang out of the band, if not then we'd never have Megadeth, and wouldn't that just be a crying shame? Though I've already state my loyalty to Metallica, don't get me wrong. I LOVE Megadeth as well. In fact, I'd say as far as guitar work goes, Megadeth is the BEST I've heard. Favorite song, Tornado of Souls.
5. The Beatles. The Beatles hold the distinct title of the only band with a song to actually bring me to tears every time I hear it in Let It Be. Really, is there any reason to defend my pick of The Beatles as a top five band? The most defending I have to do is, why so low? Why not 2, why not 3, hell, why not 1? Well, it’s a matter of opinion; I just like the four bands in front of it more. That's all. Favorite song, Let it Be.
6. Led Zeppelin. I don't care what people say Robert Plant can freaking sing. Sure, I have found their songwriting pretty disappointing, it’s almost as bad as AC/DC at times, but these guys can play and these guys can ROCK! Immigrant Song, and Rock and Roll top the list of Zeppelin songs for me.
7. AC/DC. Yes, this is a matter of pure tastes and not a statement that these guys really are a top ten band of all time. They have brain dead lyrics, simple riffs, and absolutely no drums or bass. But, hey, they ROCK, they have energy, they have style, and someone has to play AC/DC rock. A guilty pleasure, sure, but a pleasure all the same. Favorite song, Back in Black.
8. Judas Priests. Sing it with me now, "livening after midnight! Rocking till the dawn! Loving till the morning has come, I'm gone!"Favorite song, what else? Living after Midnight.
9. Skillet. The first band I discovered that blew me out of the water. Out of all my bands during my Christian music pre revolution faze, Skillet was by far the best, and still a personal favorite of mine. Favorite song, Whisper in the Dark.
10. Anthrax. The 'fun' band of the 80's thrash metal. Maybe not as musically proficient as Metallica or Megadeth, but not by much. If the two M's make me head bang and get angry, Anthrax brings a big fat stupid grin to my face. Favorite song, Madhouse.
11. Rush. Say what you will about the singing, I like it, and I also happen to think these guys are some GREAT musicians. Took me FOREVER to start to warm up to these guys, but one I did, I never looked back. Favorite song, Madhouse.
Honorable mention.
The Rolling Stones.
Alter Bridge.
Black Sabbath.
Iron Maiden.
Reliant K.
classic rock,
favorite songs,
heavy metal,
the beatles,
the who
Monday, September 13, 2010
Ballad of Fallen Angels
Witness the ballad of fallen angles
Descending from the heavens
With the radiance of a
Fallen world.
Witness the coming
Of a lost redemption,
Of gods, of glory,
With the evil smirks of demons
And children.
Witness the ballad of fallen angles.
Descending from the heavens
With the radiance of a
Fallen world.
Witness the coming
Of a lost redemption,
Of gods, of glory,
With the evil smirks of demons
And children.
Witness the ballad of fallen angles.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
I, the Music Snob
I love art. Not so much paintings and sculptors, though I can appreciate the skill and craft that go into them, but more so literature, movies, music, even video games which I believe are in their golden age of creativeness. I’ve been known at times to be overly judgmental of certain movies and books I’ve seen/read, and at times to flippantly discount certain films which I think try to trick people into thinking their smart. Oh, look at me, I’m a movie saying that racism is bad, oooooo, look at me I’m so smart and relevant. Movies that try to replace style, creativity, and craft with second rate social or political commentary. Not saying there’s nothing wrong with any of that, some of my favorite movies have a ton of things to say about these things, but a movie needs to be a movie first, and a commentary second, not the other way around.
Despite my somewhat aggressive stance of movies, a books to a lesser extent, I’ve never considered myself a movie or a book snob. I can appreciate a mindless movie as much as the next guy, B movies can be very good if someone with skill makes it. In my movie reviewing days, I rarely gave a movie one star.
So sue me when I say I hate listening to bad music. I don’t just hate it, I get angry about it. I rave like a lunatic every time I’m in a car with my dad, or my brothers, and all they want to listen to is radio pop (GAH!) or fucking Lady Gaga, or some God Damned hip hop trash. I can’t help it, I mean, maybe I can, but for some odd reason I like being a music snob. I like my #1 rule, namely that my music is the best music, and if you listen to Nicklehack and like them your either deaf or retarded, in most cases both, and possibly a pedophile. Whichever floats your boat, I don’t judge.
Is it really that hard to see that all these entertainers running around playing mindless, talentless trash are the musical equivalent of Michael Bay and Megan Fox? If these ‘artists’ were a religion, they’d be scientology. If they were a school, they’d be Glen Beck University. The best music is rock music, and the best rock music is OLD rock music. Don’t come in here with your Three Days Grace, your Seether, Coldplay, your freaking new age emo gothic crap, I don’t wana hear it. No, really, I don’t wana hear it, and you don’t want to make me hear it either because I will talk your damn head off, and snob all over you until the sound of my voice annoys you so much you HAVE to put my music on just to calm me down, after which, upon observing how successful this technique is, you will be forced to play more and more rock n roll until I pass out from happiness.
For you see, I don’t just want to listen to the greatest music of all time. Listening is fine, but then how will I spread the word of my music’s greatness to the humble and deceived masses about the amazingness of MY music? Of my musical superiority to them and their naive little minds? No, listening is not enough, I must FORCE my music onto other people, people who may not want to hear what I have to play, or may not like Rock music all that much, for they will someday have their stupid little minds opened and thank me. Trust me, someday all those people who’ve heard me blast Guns N’Roses from my car stereo as I slowly roll through the Wal-Mart parking lot will have their ears opened at last, and in their moment of enlightenment, do the same at the next Wal-Mart, then the next and the next, until the gospel of The Who and Metallica is spread throughout the world, and I never have to listen to another lame ass Lady Gaga song ever again! HAHA!
So, what makes good music you may ask? What separates a song from earning their writers and, uhh, singers a special place in hell, and a song that God listens to when he drives to work? Well, the answer is simple, yet complex at the same time. What it really boils down to is whatever I say is good music at any particular point in time, is also God’s music, and whatever I don’t, well…. Devils music.
One, not all good songs are rock songs, there are some good country songs, the occasional hip hop song that I will begrudgingly give its due (Oh M&M, that song about you tying your girlfriend to the bed and setting the house on fire, you slay me), and let’s not forget jazz which I pretend to give its due but really annoys the heck out of me (but hey, Megadeth’s band members used to be jazz players, so hey, who am I to judge? Of course if you were to tell me that Axle Rose used to be a hip hoppster(?) I’ll blow you off, and remind you that not even hip hop fans liked My World. I mean, Jesus Christ man, have you even heard that song? So, a song doesn’t HAVE to be rock, or metal, but it goes a long way to making it good.
Second, the ‘artists’, the person or people that actually go onstage, perform these songs, and get the attention for them, need to write their own fucking songs! No more of this hiring writers to do the job for you, no, write your own damn songs, write your own damn music, cause you’re not just performers, you can’t do music like American Idle (shiver, shiver), take someone else’s song and try to say it’s yours. No sir, man up! Would Gun’s N’Roses ever do a song that they hadn’t written? Or Metallica? Hmm? You think these classic rock bands would EVER have the audacity to take songs they didn’t create and perform them like they were their own? Haha, I don’t THINK so…. So, moving on.
Third, it’s all about the sound man. Its good and all if you want to make your song poetic, meaningful, classy, but let’s not forget that this isn’t poetry, people don’t gather in the thousands to see poets talk about their feelings. So, it’s not enough to write good lyrics (if you indeed did write them, shame on you Taylor Swift!), your actual music (you know, with instruments, like a GUITAR) needs to be more than a bass drum, a synthesizer, and a backup singer using distortion, I’m talking to you, HIP HOP! GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT! A band needs at least one guitar, a FULL drum set with a DRUMMER sitting behind it, and a bass guitar. Extra brownie points for keyboards, violins, cowbells, and synthesizers if your bands called The Who. Otherwise, leave the synthesizer at home, please.
Fourth, even if you do have the minimal requirements for a band, write your own music, and play rock, you need talent, I’m talking to you now COUNTRY MUSIC! Even though you don’t really play ‘rock’ its similar, kinda, sorta, not really, no not at all in an about kinda way. I’m talking to you too, NICKLEHACK! COLDPLAY! Fucking Creeeeeed! No, you can’t just play one cord the entire song, play a single note really fast over and over for a solo, then throw in a fast ending and call it a song. You need to PLAY your instruments, you need to SOLO! AHHH! Having a gazillian people on stage with you does NOT make you better (country!), neither does playing two seconds worth of guitar solo before going back into the same two to three cords you were playing the rest of the song (Nickleback!). Your guitarist needs to be at least as talented as Slash, your singer as good as Jimmy Page, drummer as good as Keith Moon, and bassist as good as Cliff Burton. If you do not meet these requirements, can it sucka.
Not only do you need technical skills, you need ENERGY! It’s how moderately talented brain dead sexists like AC/DC have become one of my favorite bands while the more talented and less sexist Pearl Jam inspires nothing bug rage from me. How could this be? Well, to put it quite frankly, despite their awful bassist and drummer, despite their simple riffs, and brain dead lyrics, there is no denying that AC/DC is one rocking mother fucking band. I can rock out to Back in Black, Thunder Struck, and Highway to Hell ALLLLL damn day. It’s how Apatite for Destruction became one of my three all time favorite albums while I skip through the second half of Nevermind. If I can’t jump up and down like a sixteen year old girl watching American Idle, playing a mean air guitar, you have some serious work to do. I mean, have any of you done that with a Pearl Jam album? No? Didn’t think so.
It’s also important to be a REAL musician, not something that I will perceive as being a money driven media whore (Nickleback! Gah I hate you!) . So, out with Poison, let’s throw away Queen, keep one or two songs from Twisted Sister but that’s the exception not the rule, never liked Kiss anyway so lets throw them under the buss, you know, all those ridiculous hair bands with really big poofy hair and makeup. Everyone except Gun N’Roses, they were good. These days it’s not about the poofy hair, it’s about making radio friendly rock light (NICKLEBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), you know, songs between two, and two and a half minutes, real soft, either a short solo or no solo at all, mostly ballads, you know, radio pop. Like Nickleback. And Creed. And anything that isn’t fifteen years old, or a band named Alter Bridge, Skillet, Switchfoot, and a few Foo Fither songs (although the later three bands have all incurred the wrath of my snobynish, esp recently).
So, to recap, here’s how it is.
Rock, good. Country, hip hop, and pop, bad.
Metal good, Ozzy Osborn (except as a member of Black Sabbith) bad. Don’t ask me about this one, he’s jus has an annoying voice.
Guns N’Roses good, Poison, Rat, and Queen, baaaaaad.
The Who, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones (though I only own one album of theirs, I like to say I’m a huge fan cause it gets me cred with the other rock snobs) Megadeth, Metallica, Judis Priest, Iron Maiden, Rush, AC/DC, Black Sabbath (also, one album, but the metal snobs will shun me for not saying I like them) good, Nickleback, Coldplay, Three Days Grace, Seether, and a host of other modern bands who I know very little about but trash on a regular basis, bad.
So as long as we’re all clear on this, remember, follow these simple rules of advice, and two can learn to see the difference between the holey music of Jesus, and fecal covered bags of piss that make up most of today’s best selling music. So rise with me, oh snobs of music, and know that no matter what, you have THE best music. Mohammad himself would be jealous of the rich assortment of music you’ve selected to ring in your delicate ears.
Despite my somewhat aggressive stance of movies, a books to a lesser extent, I’ve never considered myself a movie or a book snob. I can appreciate a mindless movie as much as the next guy, B movies can be very good if someone with skill makes it. In my movie reviewing days, I rarely gave a movie one star.
So sue me when I say I hate listening to bad music. I don’t just hate it, I get angry about it. I rave like a lunatic every time I’m in a car with my dad, or my brothers, and all they want to listen to is radio pop (GAH!) or fucking Lady Gaga, or some God Damned hip hop trash. I can’t help it, I mean, maybe I can, but for some odd reason I like being a music snob. I like my #1 rule, namely that my music is the best music, and if you listen to Nicklehack and like them your either deaf or retarded, in most cases both, and possibly a pedophile. Whichever floats your boat, I don’t judge.
Is it really that hard to see that all these entertainers running around playing mindless, talentless trash are the musical equivalent of Michael Bay and Megan Fox? If these ‘artists’ were a religion, they’d be scientology. If they were a school, they’d be Glen Beck University. The best music is rock music, and the best rock music is OLD rock music. Don’t come in here with your Three Days Grace, your Seether, Coldplay, your freaking new age emo gothic crap, I don’t wana hear it. No, really, I don’t wana hear it, and you don’t want to make me hear it either because I will talk your damn head off, and snob all over you until the sound of my voice annoys you so much you HAVE to put my music on just to calm me down, after which, upon observing how successful this technique is, you will be forced to play more and more rock n roll until I pass out from happiness.
For you see, I don’t just want to listen to the greatest music of all time. Listening is fine, but then how will I spread the word of my music’s greatness to the humble and deceived masses about the amazingness of MY music? Of my musical superiority to them and their naive little minds? No, listening is not enough, I must FORCE my music onto other people, people who may not want to hear what I have to play, or may not like Rock music all that much, for they will someday have their stupid little minds opened and thank me. Trust me, someday all those people who’ve heard me blast Guns N’Roses from my car stereo as I slowly roll through the Wal-Mart parking lot will have their ears opened at last, and in their moment of enlightenment, do the same at the next Wal-Mart, then the next and the next, until the gospel of The Who and Metallica is spread throughout the world, and I never have to listen to another lame ass Lady Gaga song ever again! HAHA!
So, what makes good music you may ask? What separates a song from earning their writers and, uhh, singers a special place in hell, and a song that God listens to when he drives to work? Well, the answer is simple, yet complex at the same time. What it really boils down to is whatever I say is good music at any particular point in time, is also God’s music, and whatever I don’t, well…. Devils music.
One, not all good songs are rock songs, there are some good country songs, the occasional hip hop song that I will begrudgingly give its due (Oh M&M, that song about you tying your girlfriend to the bed and setting the house on fire, you slay me), and let’s not forget jazz which I pretend to give its due but really annoys the heck out of me (but hey, Megadeth’s band members used to be jazz players, so hey, who am I to judge? Of course if you were to tell me that Axle Rose used to be a hip hoppster(?) I’ll blow you off, and remind you that not even hip hop fans liked My World. I mean, Jesus Christ man, have you even heard that song? So, a song doesn’t HAVE to be rock, or metal, but it goes a long way to making it good.
Second, the ‘artists’, the person or people that actually go onstage, perform these songs, and get the attention for them, need to write their own fucking songs! No more of this hiring writers to do the job for you, no, write your own damn songs, write your own damn music, cause you’re not just performers, you can’t do music like American Idle (shiver, shiver), take someone else’s song and try to say it’s yours. No sir, man up! Would Gun’s N’Roses ever do a song that they hadn’t written? Or Metallica? Hmm? You think these classic rock bands would EVER have the audacity to take songs they didn’t create and perform them like they were their own? Haha, I don’t THINK so…. So, moving on.
Third, it’s all about the sound man. Its good and all if you want to make your song poetic, meaningful, classy, but let’s not forget that this isn’t poetry, people don’t gather in the thousands to see poets talk about their feelings. So, it’s not enough to write good lyrics (if you indeed did write them, shame on you Taylor Swift!), your actual music (you know, with instruments, like a GUITAR) needs to be more than a bass drum, a synthesizer, and a backup singer using distortion, I’m talking to you, HIP HOP! GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT! A band needs at least one guitar, a FULL drum set with a DRUMMER sitting behind it, and a bass guitar. Extra brownie points for keyboards, violins, cowbells, and synthesizers if your bands called The Who. Otherwise, leave the synthesizer at home, please.
Fourth, even if you do have the minimal requirements for a band, write your own music, and play rock, you need talent, I’m talking to you now COUNTRY MUSIC! Even though you don’t really play ‘rock’ its similar, kinda, sorta, not really, no not at all in an about kinda way. I’m talking to you too, NICKLEHACK! COLDPLAY! Fucking Creeeeeed! No, you can’t just play one cord the entire song, play a single note really fast over and over for a solo, then throw in a fast ending and call it a song. You need to PLAY your instruments, you need to SOLO! AHHH! Having a gazillian people on stage with you does NOT make you better (country!), neither does playing two seconds worth of guitar solo before going back into the same two to three cords you were playing the rest of the song (Nickleback!). Your guitarist needs to be at least as talented as Slash, your singer as good as Jimmy Page, drummer as good as Keith Moon, and bassist as good as Cliff Burton. If you do not meet these requirements, can it sucka.
Not only do you need technical skills, you need ENERGY! It’s how moderately talented brain dead sexists like AC/DC have become one of my favorite bands while the more talented and less sexist Pearl Jam inspires nothing bug rage from me. How could this be? Well, to put it quite frankly, despite their awful bassist and drummer, despite their simple riffs, and brain dead lyrics, there is no denying that AC/DC is one rocking mother fucking band. I can rock out to Back in Black, Thunder Struck, and Highway to Hell ALLLLL damn day. It’s how Apatite for Destruction became one of my three all time favorite albums while I skip through the second half of Nevermind. If I can’t jump up and down like a sixteen year old girl watching American Idle, playing a mean air guitar, you have some serious work to do. I mean, have any of you done that with a Pearl Jam album? No? Didn’t think so.
It’s also important to be a REAL musician, not something that I will perceive as being a money driven media whore (Nickleback! Gah I hate you!) . So, out with Poison, let’s throw away Queen, keep one or two songs from Twisted Sister but that’s the exception not the rule, never liked Kiss anyway so lets throw them under the buss, you know, all those ridiculous hair bands with really big poofy hair and makeup. Everyone except Gun N’Roses, they were good. These days it’s not about the poofy hair, it’s about making radio friendly rock light (NICKLEBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), you know, songs between two, and two and a half minutes, real soft, either a short solo or no solo at all, mostly ballads, you know, radio pop. Like Nickleback. And Creed. And anything that isn’t fifteen years old, or a band named Alter Bridge, Skillet, Switchfoot, and a few Foo Fither songs (although the later three bands have all incurred the wrath of my snobynish, esp recently).
So, to recap, here’s how it is.
Rock, good. Country, hip hop, and pop, bad.
Metal good, Ozzy Osborn (except as a member of Black Sabbith) bad. Don’t ask me about this one, he’s jus has an annoying voice.
Guns N’Roses good, Poison, Rat, and Queen, baaaaaad.
The Who, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones (though I only own one album of theirs, I like to say I’m a huge fan cause it gets me cred with the other rock snobs) Megadeth, Metallica, Judis Priest, Iron Maiden, Rush, AC/DC, Black Sabbath (also, one album, but the metal snobs will shun me for not saying I like them) good, Nickleback, Coldplay, Three Days Grace, Seether, and a host of other modern bands who I know very little about but trash on a regular basis, bad.
So as long as we’re all clear on this, remember, follow these simple rules of advice, and two can learn to see the difference between the holey music of Jesus, and fecal covered bags of piss that make up most of today’s best selling music. So rise with me, oh snobs of music, and know that no matter what, you have THE best music. Mohammad himself would be jealous of the rich assortment of music you’ve selected to ring in your delicate ears.
guns n roses,
the who
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I Plumb
For my creative writing class, where most of my stories got their start, we had a prodject to write a flash fic, a short story under a thousand words that fits on one page. This short little story is real, it happened to my friends and I while we were staying at a friends house. Hope you enjoy. '
We are so pathetic. Three of us, me, Daniel and Chris, standing in front of my neighbors house, trying to figure out which one of us is going to tell him that we broke his house.
“Come on Daniel” I said “ring the bell.”
“What? Me? Why the hell should I do it.”
“Because you’re the one that broke the pipe dumb ass.”
“Yeah but Chris threw me into it.” Daniel said. He sounded tense, like he did when he and I had to take a test that he didn’t study for and he wanted me to help him cheat. Every once in a while I would bail him out but not this time, no way in hell I was going to take the fall for this.
Chris looked down at Daniel and smiled at him as if to say yeah right, like I’m going to ring that bell. Ha. It was funny, because it really was Chris’s fault. Last night, after getting home from work, Daniel and Chris (not me, I just watched and laughed at them) decided that they wanted to do a little wrestling on the neighbors front lawn. Only what they didn’t think about until latter was the fact that the lawn was on a hill, and at the bottom of that hill was the pipe for the neighbor’s water main. As you would expect Daniel and Chris went at each other with reckless abandon, laughing like little boys on a playground, and rolling down the hill right for the pipe. Chris rolled on his back and hit the ground with his head. I was so busy laughing at Chris that I didn’t notice what had happened to Daniel, until I heard something that sounded like a fire hydrant gushing out water and Daniel in a dazed voice saying aw man, I’m wet. It was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen, Chris rubbing a giant bump on his head, and Daniel lying on the ground with water from a busted pipe splashing all over him. Funny that is, until I realized that we had just broken the neighbor’s house.
“Come on Daniel, hurry up and get this over with,” I said, getting impatient with him. Daniel lifted his finger to the bell, but just as he was about to ring it the door opened, and there before us stood a huge fat man, with a WB frog holding a beer tattooed on his arm, wearing nothing but boxers.
“Um, sir” Chris said, “We kind of broke your water main.”
He just stood there, scratching his hairy belly.
“Hmmm, that’s a lot of damage.” He said, looking right at us. The color went out of Daniels face, and I could tell he wasn’t looking forward to what the man was going got say next.
“Naw, I’m just kidding; its cool, I plumb.”
Then he turned around and went inside, leaving the three of us standing on his porch, laughing at what we had just seen.
We are so pathetic. Three of us, me, Daniel and Chris, standing in front of my neighbors house, trying to figure out which one of us is going to tell him that we broke his house.
“Come on Daniel” I said “ring the bell.”
“What? Me? Why the hell should I do it.”
“Because you’re the one that broke the pipe dumb ass.”
“Yeah but Chris threw me into it.” Daniel said. He sounded tense, like he did when he and I had to take a test that he didn’t study for and he wanted me to help him cheat. Every once in a while I would bail him out but not this time, no way in hell I was going to take the fall for this.
Chris looked down at Daniel and smiled at him as if to say yeah right, like I’m going to ring that bell. Ha. It was funny, because it really was Chris’s fault. Last night, after getting home from work, Daniel and Chris (not me, I just watched and laughed at them) decided that they wanted to do a little wrestling on the neighbors front lawn. Only what they didn’t think about until latter was the fact that the lawn was on a hill, and at the bottom of that hill was the pipe for the neighbor’s water main. As you would expect Daniel and Chris went at each other with reckless abandon, laughing like little boys on a playground, and rolling down the hill right for the pipe. Chris rolled on his back and hit the ground with his head. I was so busy laughing at Chris that I didn’t notice what had happened to Daniel, until I heard something that sounded like a fire hydrant gushing out water and Daniel in a dazed voice saying aw man, I’m wet. It was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen, Chris rubbing a giant bump on his head, and Daniel lying on the ground with water from a busted pipe splashing all over him. Funny that is, until I realized that we had just broken the neighbor’s house.
“Come on Daniel, hurry up and get this over with,” I said, getting impatient with him. Daniel lifted his finger to the bell, but just as he was about to ring it the door opened, and there before us stood a huge fat man, with a WB frog holding a beer tattooed on his arm, wearing nothing but boxers.
“Um, sir” Chris said, “We kind of broke your water main.”
He just stood there, scratching his hairy belly.
“Hmmm, that’s a lot of damage.” He said, looking right at us. The color went out of Daniels face, and I could tell he wasn’t looking forward to what the man was going got say next.
“Naw, I’m just kidding; its cool, I plumb.”
Then he turned around and went inside, leaving the three of us standing on his porch, laughing at what we had just seen.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Last Night
Here's a little story I wrote for a creative writing class a few years back. The point was to start with the lines "where were you last night?" and go from there. Originaly I wanted a more bizzare, Wonder Child esq kind of story, but a couple (dozen) false starts convinced me that wasn't really the best idea. So, I settled on a much simpler story line, and worked from there. This story was inspired by Skillets song The Last Night, always wanted to place that song into a story, so I did. Enjoy.
The Last Night.
Where were you last night Kathy?
What were you doing?
What’s that on your arm?
“Why does it fucking matter!?”
I can’t do take this anymore. They’re starting to suspect something’s wrong, that maybe I’m not the person they thought I was. Somewhere deep inside they already know, they’ve known for a quite a while actually, they just never wanted to admit it, they were more than fine with pretending that everything was okay. They just don’t want to face the fact that their precious little girl might not be the little angle they thought I was. Well too fucking bad.
I rush into my room and lock the door behind me. The walls are painted the color of a sunset sky, shades of orange and pink and blue with a hint of blackness swallowing up the rest. The walls are covered with posters of my favorite bands, Skillet, Three Days Grace, an old N’Sync poster from years past, Timberlake and the other guys dangling from strings like puppets. Stuffed animals I’ve collected over the years rest on my bed and on top of a small bookshelf in the corner next to the window. One of my stuffed bears, a toy I’ve had since I was five years old, stares at me from her place on top of my bed, her droopy eyes glaring at me with disapproval; she hates me.
“Well join the fucking club!” I growl at her.
I yank her by the head and hurl her across the room, screaming at the top of my lungs.
I can’t do this anymore.
I continue to scream until my chest is empty. I drop to my knees and try to sob, try to release my pain, but all that comes out are a series of short gasps. I’ve already cried all my tears. I have nothing left to cry. I’m empty, alone, deserted, unwanted.
Don’t forget worthless.
Oh right, how could I forget worthless? My bad.
My bear looks at me again, but this time sympathy marks her faded and wrinkled features. Her droopy eyes seem to choke back tears.
She’s crying for me.
No, that couldn’t be right, she hated me, of course she did; everyone did.
“Stop it,” I try to say, but the words get caught in my throat, “stop looking at me! Just leave me the hell alone!”
I look harder and stare into its eyes. For a moment they seemed to squint in anger. You see? She doesn’t love you either. You fucking whore, not even your stuffed bear loves you, you sick fuck.
I reach into my pocket and take out a small pocket knife, the kind my little brother uses when he goes camping with his Boy Scout troop.
I remember how he whined when he lost this knife. For three straight weeks he searched all over the place for it, but he never suspected his beloved big sister had taken it.
Why would Kathy ever want a knife?
“Yeah, why the fuck would I ever want a knife?” I cry out, bitterness and resentment clinging to my words.
I’d only taken it for self defense, to keep me safe when I walked home from work late at nigh; or at least that’s what I kept telling myself. For weeks I stared at that knife, too afraid to actually use it on myself. But once I did, for a brief moment, it actually felt good. As my brain reacted to the steel pressed against my arm, it couldn’t dwell in suicidal depression. As long as I was preoccupied, I didn’t have time to consider killing myself. I was saving my life.
But it didn’t work anymore. Even now, as I slice my brother’s blade across my pale, white, paper thin skin, my mind stays focus on the dark black void inside of me. I try to create more pain by digging deeper still, but that only makes me more aware of what I am doing, and of how low I’ve fallen.
There’s nothing left for you Kathy, just make it stop…
The Last Night.
Where were you last night Kathy?
What were you doing?
What’s that on your arm?
“Why does it fucking matter!?”
I can’t do take this anymore. They’re starting to suspect something’s wrong, that maybe I’m not the person they thought I was. Somewhere deep inside they already know, they’ve known for a quite a while actually, they just never wanted to admit it, they were more than fine with pretending that everything was okay. They just don’t want to face the fact that their precious little girl might not be the little angle they thought I was. Well too fucking bad.
I rush into my room and lock the door behind me. The walls are painted the color of a sunset sky, shades of orange and pink and blue with a hint of blackness swallowing up the rest. The walls are covered with posters of my favorite bands, Skillet, Three Days Grace, an old N’Sync poster from years past, Timberlake and the other guys dangling from strings like puppets. Stuffed animals I’ve collected over the years rest on my bed and on top of a small bookshelf in the corner next to the window. One of my stuffed bears, a toy I’ve had since I was five years old, stares at me from her place on top of my bed, her droopy eyes glaring at me with disapproval; she hates me.
“Well join the fucking club!” I growl at her.
I yank her by the head and hurl her across the room, screaming at the top of my lungs.
I can’t do this anymore.
I continue to scream until my chest is empty. I drop to my knees and try to sob, try to release my pain, but all that comes out are a series of short gasps. I’ve already cried all my tears. I have nothing left to cry. I’m empty, alone, deserted, unwanted.
Don’t forget worthless.
Oh right, how could I forget worthless? My bad.
My bear looks at me again, but this time sympathy marks her faded and wrinkled features. Her droopy eyes seem to choke back tears.
She’s crying for me.
No, that couldn’t be right, she hated me, of course she did; everyone did.
“Stop it,” I try to say, but the words get caught in my throat, “stop looking at me! Just leave me the hell alone!”
I look harder and stare into its eyes. For a moment they seemed to squint in anger. You see? She doesn’t love you either. You fucking whore, not even your stuffed bear loves you, you sick fuck.
I reach into my pocket and take out a small pocket knife, the kind my little brother uses when he goes camping with his Boy Scout troop.
I remember how he whined when he lost this knife. For three straight weeks he searched all over the place for it, but he never suspected his beloved big sister had taken it.
Why would Kathy ever want a knife?
“Yeah, why the fuck would I ever want a knife?” I cry out, bitterness and resentment clinging to my words.
I’d only taken it for self defense, to keep me safe when I walked home from work late at nigh; or at least that’s what I kept telling myself. For weeks I stared at that knife, too afraid to actually use it on myself. But once I did, for a brief moment, it actually felt good. As my brain reacted to the steel pressed against my arm, it couldn’t dwell in suicidal depression. As long as I was preoccupied, I didn’t have time to consider killing myself. I was saving my life.
But it didn’t work anymore. Even now, as I slice my brother’s blade across my pale, white, paper thin skin, my mind stays focus on the dark black void inside of me. I try to create more pain by digging deeper still, but that only makes me more aware of what I am doing, and of how low I’ve fallen.
There’s nothing left for you Kathy, just make it stop…
short story,
the last night
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The Wonder Child
Here's a story that was originaly inspired by a dream, but later grew to encompase a personal experiance both myself and my older sister shared when we were little kids liveing in Nebraska. Pretty creepy stuff, I didn't hear any voices myself, just saw the little kid and the wagon, but my sister did. This was a story I wrote for a creative writing class for my ever so insperatinal teacher Dr. Hunt. It wasn't really well recieved then because it seemed to be three seperate stories melded into one, non of which fit each other. Plus, it was really sloppy then, that was before a major re-write of the story. I am working on a longer version of the story, a MUCH more bizzare and sereal version, I might post that another time, but its far from finished and I don't spend much time with it these days.
The Wonder Child
Yet another meaningless day, yet another meaningless class of advanced math, another utterly worthless hour and a half to my utterly worthless life. Middle school could be so pointless sometimes. Its not like I need all this education, I already know everything.
The bell rings and I stand up from my chair and exit the classroom.
Now, finally, it’s over. I make my way towards the bus terminal, my head down, shoulders held low and defensively. I try not to draw any stares but no matter where I go someone always has to point. Why? Why can’t they just leave me the hell alone? I turn left and walk down the hall. I look ahead and see three cheerleaders talking in low voices in the corner. When they see me walk by, they turn away and talk quieter. Were they talking about me? Or am I just paranoid?
“Tara!” my friend Peter calls from behind. I pretend I didn’t hear and walk on. I just want to be alone.
“Tara, hey Tara wait up!”
“What Peter, what is it?” I say, turning around to face him. I can’t very well ignore him after he knew I heard him, Peter is one of the only friends I have, but right now I don’t really feel like talking to anyone, especially someone I know.
“Hey, I tried to call your house last night but no one answered.”
Shit I almost blurt out, never losing my smile. I hadn’t told anyone that I was going to be on TV, to be paraded around like some carnival attraction for everyone to see. To be put in front of dozens of blood thirsty camera men, all wanting to take a picture of the skinny little fifteen year old genius freak. Look at me, look at me, I’m a freak. Next week we’ll bring out the bearded lady and the man with no arms. Except they didn’t treat me like a freak, they treated me like I was special, and wonderful, and deserving of all the praise they could shower upon me. Which in a way made it even worse because now they were lying about me, and telling everyone how amazing I am when I’m really not great at all? However, I couldn’t tell Peter that, not after the way he always insisted on treating me like I was a regular person, and that I was fine just the way I am, even when I know he’s wrong. So I just play along, hoping he won’t catch the hesitation in my voice.
“You did?”
“Yeah. At least I think it was you. Is your name Tara Venow? If it is than yes, I did see you. If it’s not, then I’ll have to interrogate you until you tell me where she is.”
Peter takes a small flashlight from his side pocket and shines it in my face, as if he were an interrogator and I his helpless victim.
“Where have you taken her, what have you done to Tara? WHERE IS THE REBEL BASE!?”
“Stop it Peter, get that light out of my eye.” but I can’t help but laugh
at how silly he is. Peter has always been the clown, someone you could always go to cheer you up, that is if you wanted to be cheered up, which at this time I don’t. But it’s a nervous laugh, not the kind of laugh that said ha, ha, that was sooo funny, but the kind that said ha, leave me alone, and Peter knew the difference better than anyone. He stops fooling around and looks at me, trying to figure me out.
“What’s wrong Tara?”
“Nothing, nothing wrong” I lie without hesitation, but Peter saw right through me. The one downside to having friends who know you so well is that they can always tell when you’re lying, or when you’re not being yourself.
“Come on Tara, I’ve known you long enough to know when something’s wrong, now what is it?”
I can’t tell him, he won’t understand. After all, it was meant as a complement, to show the world what a wonderful little girl I am and how I’m going to change the world someday. They called me The Wonder Child, thinking it a great nickname for a high school girl, but I hated it. Not just because all the stupid people in school would tease me, why I even care is behind me, but I do, but also because. . . I don’t know why. I have absolutely no reason to hate being called that, but I do. Not just hate, loath it, to the point of wanting to stab my ears with a pen until my eardrum pops every time I hear it. Maybe because I know that I’m not so wonderful as they think. Or because they made me sound like I was a little kid. The Wonder Child, how much stupider could a nickname get?
“Its nothing Peter, I’m just feeling a little sick.”
“Come on Tara, you’ve never been sick a day in your life.” He paused “It’s because of what they called you, isn’t it?”
“Yes” I tell him, hoping he won’t laugh and tell me I’m making a big deal out of nothing. Somebody else would have, almost everyone else would have, but not Peter. He looks down at my face and smiles knowingly.
“Does it really bother you that much?”
I nod my head slowly, keeping it low, looking at my skinny chicken legs. I hate how skinny my legs are, but no matter how much I eat, they never get any fatter. Funny, while some stupid girls starve themselves half to death trying to get thin, smart ones, like myself, have to eat like a food whore just to put on a little much needed weight. It’s a cruel, ironic world we live in, ain’t it? Peter puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head up to where I was looking into his face.
“Hay, don’t worry about it. Nobodies’ going to make fun of someone who Oprah thinks is a Wonder Child. And if they do, just tell me and I’ll go over to them and uh. . . . do something bad, to them.”
“Oh yeah?”
This time I really do laugh. I tried not to, I was afraid that it would sound fake again and that I’d make him feel worse than be probably already did, but it came out genuine, happy, like the laugh of a small baby who has found a new toy to play with and was enjoying it before its mother could some and take it away.
“Well, I have to go now. I have baseball practice at two. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“All right, see you then. Bye Peter.” I yell as he runs off. He turns and waves back at me.
“See you later Tara. Call me.”
Walking down the street in my neighborhood is one of the only times during my days when I can truly say that I am happy, especially in the fall. There is just something magical about the way the trees change colors when the air is cold, and turn into dazzling shades of orange, yellow, red, and then fall from the heavens like a gentle rain, covering the ugly dead grass on the ground with a layer of crunchy flakes. I like to pick up leaves from the ground, then crush them in my hands and throw the pieces into the air as I walk by.
To me, at least, there is not greater beauty than what nature provides. Yes, I appreciate the arts, music, writing, painting, sculpting, acting, I love them all. But all these things suffered from one common flaw; human error. Nothing subjected so such a thing could ever compare to the snow peaked mountains of Colorado, or the huge expanses of nothingness that cover the Great Plains.
My house lies on top of a large hill, large that is if you live in a place like Nebraska, looking down onto the street before it with two second story windows that resemble the eyes on some deformed mans face. It’s painted the color of honey comb, with large wooden beams crossing over the front, making the house look like an old abandoned barn. It’s a nice house, well kept and big enough to fit three families, but it was creepy. Something about it just didn’t seem right. It didn’t look any different from any of the other houses, but for some reason all the kids in the neighborhood were afraid of it, and to be completely honest, so am I.
I walk up to the front door and put my key into the hole, giving it a quick turn to the left and walking in. Nobodies home yet, but I hadn’t expected any different. Dad rarely came home before eleven at night, working late he always said, but I know he’s really too busy with his mistress. Funny how he thinks she doesn’t know. The only person who doesn’t know, it seems, is my mother. She always stays up late at night waiting for him, even though she had to be at the gas station for work at five the next morning. And when he finally come home, the scent of sex and a cheap hotel room still lingering on his trench coat, she would wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him until she was out of breath. Dad would lie about how hard work was that day and how happy he is to see her, and then they’d go to bed. I hate him for that. Not just for having the affair, but for making mother believe he still loved her; and I hate mother for believing the insincere lies every time. I tried telling her one time, but she hit me and called me a liar. The next day I told Peter I fell down the stairs and hit my head. He gave me a suspicious look but dropped it. Later I found out that he watched me after this incident to make sure it never happened again, and when it didn’t, he let it go.
After taking my shoes off and putting them away in the garage, I walk up the stairs and head to my room. It had been a long day, and I need a nap.
Cold, I feel cold. A thin haze of blue mist floats all around me while crows sing their song of sorrow in the amber sky above me. Something touches me arm.
I hear a faint whisper in the air. Someone is talking, calling my name, whispering into my heart. I shiver in the cold and wrap myself in my arms. I start walking forward in the blue mist, holding my arms in front of me, squinting in the haze to see what lies ahead. In the distance I see the face of a large rock cliff. I hear the whisper again, this time coming form the cliff, drawing me towards it. A feeling of dread crawls out form my heart and covers my whole body, and yet I find myself still heading towards the cliff, ignoring the warning my mind and body are screaming.
Red lights dance in the haze around me, leading towards the cliff. I look up and see a giant crow with gold wings and a silver breast perched at its peak. As I approach the red dancers become more erratic, flowing back and forth as if they were the branches of a tree swaying in a cool summer’s breeze. Then, with a great gush of wind, the god like crow lifts its magnificent wings as a sign for the dancing to stop. It’s only then that I notices the blood stains which cover the tips of its feathers and the necklaces of skulls he wears around his neck. A small opening appears in the wall underneath the giant crow; the smell of rotten cabbage and sulfur emit from the dark opening.
“Come my Wonder Child, we’ve been waiting so long for your return,” the crow says. I know I shouldn’t enter, but something about the crow’s voice makes me want to. It’s so knowing, so loving, so full of wisdom and knowledge. Nothing that sounds so beautiful could possibly mean me any harm. This creature actually wanted me.
I take a step forward, hesitating only a moment, and walk for the opening. The lights dance again in anticipation and I hear a faint chant come from out of the mist behind me.
Return to us…return to us… be out wonder child… return to us…
The chant grows louder, louder, until the whispering voices are shouting their chorus into the midnight air, proclaiming to the heavens their desire and greed. The lights swirl in circles as I reach out my hand and touch the smooth surface of the rock wall. Feeling around, I notice to my surprise that it is perfectly smooth, not a single bump or rough spot to disfigure its perfect face.
The lights flicker in anticipation and I step forward into the cave. For a moment everything is silent, and then the crow, still perched upon the mountain top, laughs and flies off. The lights disappear the opening shuts, leaving me standing in complete darkness. The lights are gone, but the chanting continues.
Be our wonder child… our wonder child… wonder child… wonder child. Be our wonder…
Sitting at the dinner table that night, I slowly eat my spaghetti without a word, not even a ‘thank you’ for my mother for making the food. My mom sits at the opposite side of the table, glumly shoving large portions of spaghetti into her mouth.
“So,” she says, trying her best to start conversation, “how was school today?”
“Oh, it was good.” I pick up a piece of bread and nibble at it.
“Did you do anything interesting?”
“Hmm, not really.”
I take a sip of my water and start pushing some peas around with my fork. Mother stares down at her plate.
“Dad isn’t home tonight,” I say.
“No, he’s working late again on a new project. You know how it is.”
Eyes staring at my plate, I keep playing with my peas, fork squeaking against the china plate in front of me. The china was a gift that dad gave mother after she started suspecting him of sleeping around. He bought her a bunch of expensive gifts and assured her that she was the only woman he loved. She believs every word of it.
“What’s he working on?”
Without a word mother stands, takes her plate to the dishwasher, and leaves the room. I think she was trying to choke back tears, but I can’t be sure.
Slowly, without rushing, I finish my food. It was a good meal, if you don’t mind eating Spaghetti almost every night because your mother was too busy to make anything else. I don’t really feel bad about making her cry. She refused to accept the truth for so long it was starting to affect her health. She sleeps less at night because she always stays up waiting for her unfaithful husband. She’s a mere shell of what she used to be.
After finishing I put my dishes into the dishwasher and go downstairs to relax. The stairs creak in protest as I make my way down to the basement where the TV is kept.
I don’t want to think about my father, or my mother, or anything else for that matter. All I want to do is relax, sit down in front of the TV, and watch a movie; or something. I go over to the DVD shelf, look around for a few second, and take out my favorite movie, Spirited Away.
As the sound of the films main theme come on, I lay back in my dad’s sky blue leather recliner and close my eyes, listening to the beautiful melody and trying to fall asleep.
I feel cold, oh so cold. Like I’m standing outside on a January night feeling a winter breeze blow over my body as I try to warm myself. Where am I? I sit up and look around, trying to pierce the darkness. Outside the sun is set over the horizon, a faint glow from the street lights can be seen coming in through the window, casting its gloomy yellowish light on the wall behind me. Lights dance along the room as the occasional car passes by on the street outside. I’m still sitting in father’s recliner, the TV is off. But I didn’t…
Tara. . .
“Who’s there?!” I yell, backing into the wall. For a moment the room is silent, my heavy breathing the only thing that can be heard. My gut tightens as the fear rises into my throat, but I can hear nothing.
Tara. . . come here Tara. . .
Come here Tara… let us see you….
“No, please go away. Leave me alone, PLEASE!”
You know we can’t leave Tara ... we love you.
“I can’t, please go away.” I cry and fall to my knees, praying to God for these things to go away and leave me alone. But God can’t hear me, he never hears me, and the demon voices want me very much.
“Please God, please God, make it stop. Make them go away.”
You know He can’t help you Tara… He doesn’t want you… We want you… look at us…
The voices stop and I lift my eyes, hoping that maybe this time God heard my plead for help and He came to rescue me from the demon voices. The cold comes back, biting into my skin and tearing my flesh apart. The pain starts at my feet, freezing my legs in place, and then moves up to the rest of my body.
To have you Tara…
high school,
My Life in a NutShell
Well hello everybody, as you can tell from reading my blog my name is Nathan Porrata, I am an Airman First Class in the US Air Force presently stationed in Kunsan Air Base South Korea. Originally I was from Nebraska where I grew up and became a Corn Husker fan for life, but moved down to Florida in 99 becasue my parents wanted to be closer to THEIR parents in Puerto Rico. That is where most of my family lives now, my dad, mom, and two of my youngest brothers Jared and Danial.
My sister, Nichole, lives in Dentin Texas and works in ministry for the University of North Texas. My other youngers brother, Jason, takes classes at Florida State University where Nichole graduated from a few years back. I am twenty years old and love to write, about anything really, from sports, to movie and book reviews, to politics, to horror to angst and fantisy, the keys are my home and I love to type away. I have a nasty habit, however, of starting a bunch of strories and not finishing any of them. Its a curse of mine, but I'll get started on a story and then take a break, only to start somthing else and end up with TWO unfinished stories instead of one. Anyway, I'll post all kinds of things on this blog so for those of you who do read it expect a smorgisborg of writings. I am a Libertarian, and for those of you who don't know don't worry, there will be plenty of political writings put up here that will explain in full just what that means. I will post poems and stories I've written, as well as a few personal stories about myself and some sports comentaries mainly dealing with my favorite subject, the Nebraska Corn Huskers, GO BIG RED!
So hello one and all, I hope I get some readers this time as this will be the second blog I've ever used. No one read the last one, maybe this one will have mor success.
My sister, Nichole, lives in Dentin Texas and works in ministry for the University of North Texas. My other youngers brother, Jason, takes classes at Florida State University where Nichole graduated from a few years back. I am twenty years old and love to write, about anything really, from sports, to movie and book reviews, to politics, to horror to angst and fantisy, the keys are my home and I love to type away. I have a nasty habit, however, of starting a bunch of strories and not finishing any of them. Its a curse of mine, but I'll get started on a story and then take a break, only to start somthing else and end up with TWO unfinished stories instead of one. Anyway, I'll post all kinds of things on this blog so for those of you who do read it expect a smorgisborg of writings. I am a Libertarian, and for those of you who don't know don't worry, there will be plenty of political writings put up here that will explain in full just what that means. I will post poems and stories I've written, as well as a few personal stories about myself and some sports comentaries mainly dealing with my favorite subject, the Nebraska Corn Huskers, GO BIG RED!
So hello one and all, I hope I get some readers this time as this will be the second blog I've ever used. No one read the last one, maybe this one will have mor success.
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