Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My favorite bands

Sometime a few years back, I was up late one night and saw on VH1 a show about heavy metal and hard rock that would change the way I looked at music forever. It wasn't so much the show itself as the music it convinced me to look into. Before this time, I was kind of a prude when it came to music. Cussing in music made me uncomfortable, Christian music was the order of the day, and the hardest thing I listened to was Skillet, who I still like, but are hardly a metal band. I went out and bought the Black Album by Metallica, and Apatite for Destruction by Guns N' Roses. Though Black Album was just okay to me, AFD blew me away. I was completely stunned by how much I loved that album, and soon after my musical revolution got into full gear. This is a list of the bands I've discovered and the music I've come to love. Enjoy.

1 The Who. This is one band that speaks to my heart and soul every time I listen to them. Without fail, almost all of their music from the loud and exiting Won't Get Fooled Again, to more subtle and introspective songs like Sea and Sand, and then the plain old angry teenager My Generation, The Who is a band for the ages. For and away the best rhythm section of all time, the best live band to ever get on stage (I SO with I could have seen them live), The Who is a band without a flaw. Favorite song Won’t Get Fooled Again.

2. Guns N' Roses. No band that I know of, with the exception of The Who, has more energy in their music than GNR. Appetite for Destruction, along with Who's Next, is my all time favorite album, and who can blame me? With Rock greats like Welcome to the Jungle, Night Train, Sweet Child O' Mine, and Paradise City, there is not a single bad song, or even an okay song, on the whole album. It’s just THAT amazing. Though short lived, GNR took the world by storm before Axle Rose took them into a nose dive. Use Your Illusions I and II were both great, with II being the better IMO. Favorite song, Sweet Child O’ Mine.

3. Metallica. Sure, the Black Album wasn't as good as I hoped, but that was MORE than made up for with Master of Puppets, Kill em All, and Ride the Lightning, with ...And Justice for All being just slightly below these other three. Plus, Death Magnetic is pretty darn good. It took me a while to get into heavy metal but once I did, Metallica stood at the top of the list. Amazing musicianship, amazing song writing and vocals, this is to me at least the best heavy metal band of all time. Favorite song, Mater of Puppets.

4. Megadeth. A good thing Metallica kicked Dave Mustang out of the band, if not then we'd never have Megadeth, and wouldn't that just be a crying shame? Though I've already state my loyalty to Metallica, don't get me wrong. I LOVE Megadeth as well. In fact, I'd say as far as guitar work goes, Megadeth is the BEST I've heard. Favorite song, Tornado of Souls.

5. The Beatles. The Beatles hold the distinct title of the only band with a song to actually bring me to tears every time I hear it in Let It Be. Really, is there any reason to defend my pick of The Beatles as a top five band? The most defending I have to do is, why so low? Why not 2, why not 3, hell, why not 1? Well, it’s a matter of opinion; I just like the four bands in front of it more. That's all. Favorite song, Let it Be.

6. Led Zeppelin. I don't care what people say Robert Plant can freaking sing. Sure, I have found their songwriting pretty disappointing, it’s almost as bad as AC/DC at times, but these guys can play and these guys can ROCK! Immigrant Song, and Rock and Roll top the list of Zeppelin songs for me.

7. AC/DC. Yes, this is a matter of pure tastes and not a statement that these guys really are a top ten band of all time. They have brain dead lyrics, simple riffs, and absolutely no drums or bass. But, hey, they ROCK, they have energy, they have style, and someone has to play AC/DC rock. A guilty pleasure, sure, but a pleasure all the same. Favorite song, Back in Black.

8. Judas Priests. Sing it with me now, "livening after midnight! Rocking till the dawn! Loving till the morning has come, I'm gone!"Favorite song, what else? Living after Midnight.

9. Skillet. The first band I discovered that blew me out of the water. Out of all my bands during my Christian music pre revolution faze, Skillet was by far the best, and still a personal favorite of mine. Favorite song, Whisper in the Dark.

10. Anthrax. The 'fun' band of the 80's thrash metal. Maybe not as musically proficient as Metallica or Megadeth, but not by much. If the two M's make me head bang and get angry, Anthrax brings a big fat stupid grin to my face. Favorite song, Madhouse.

11. Rush. Say what you will about the singing, I like it, and I also happen to think these guys are some GREAT musicians. Took me FOREVER to start to warm up to these guys, but one I did, I never looked back. Favorite song, Madhouse.

Honorable mention.




The Rolling Stones.

Alter Bridge.

Black Sabbath.

Iron Maiden.




Reliant K.

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