Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Libertarians VS Tea Party

Libertarianism has become a popular philosophy recently. The common message of liberty, freedom, and nonintervention preached by Presidential candidates Ron Paul and Gary Johnson appeals to a lot of people these days, especially with the utter failures of the last two administrations showing the world just how incompetent our current policies are. Record deficits, unending wars, personal freedoms constantly under attack. People are unhappy, and are willing to look at alternatives.

Unfortunately for the libertarian movement the name that has been associated with our worldview has been hijacked by those who do not understand our core beliefs. Though the Tea Party movement started as an offshoot of the Ron Paul Revolution, it has changed, morphed by conservatives too ashamed to continue using the terms so closely associated with Gorge Bush, into something it never was. Although the Tea Party people and libertarians have a lot in common, namely our views on free market economics, what people don’t seem to realize is that libertarianism isn’t just about lazier fare economics, is but a mere piece of the puzzle. Libertarianism is a worldview, a way of looking at the world and the role government should play in society. Individual issues mean very little because libertarianism isn’t entirely political, it is a philosophy. Libertarians believe that force and fraud are the core wrongs people can commit against others, and that the beliefs of one man should not be forced upon another, or that the property of one man should not be used for the benefits of others except though that persons consent.

It is, at its heart, a philosophy of live and let live; to make life into what we want out of it and to allow others to do the same. Many may disagree on us, and that is fine, but that is what is at the core of our beliefs. Though the Tea Party agrees with us on certain issues such as the debt and the economy, they do not agree with our worldview, and therefor can never truly be libertarians.

You cannot be a libertarian and believe in banning drugs, prostitution, gambling, or other vices. These are personal vices that harm no one but those consenting to take part in them. Most Tea Baggers would be against legalizing these activities.

You cannot be a libertarian and support our imperialistic foreign policy. A core belief for all libertarians is in the equality of all men, so to resist oppression of citizens here at home while supporting the oppression and occupation of those abroad is an enormous hypocrisy. Self-determination is the right of all sovereign people; it is not our place to force our own culture and way of governing by force of arms onto those who do not wish it. Once again, force and fraud are the fundamental evils of our worldview, so unless we are acting in self-defense any attempt to force ourselves onto other nations is to be considered wrong.

You cannot be a libertarian and be for the continued discrimination against minority groups, including homosexuals. This is why libertarians by and large support the end of DADT and gay marriage (or, as an alternative, getting government out of marriage completely), while Tea Party people do not.

You cannot be a libertarian and support the Patriot Act. More than any other single piece of legislation over the last ten years, this is one issue that no true libertarian can never, EVER support. The liberties taken with our freedoms and the constitution by President Bush and then President Obama are unacceptable to any person who would call themselves a libertarian. Tea Party people for the most part have no problem with the PA, and see it as a necessary evil to keep this country safe. True libertarians no better.

So don’t take the Tea Party’s rhetoric on government, spending, and taxes as a sign that we are one and the same. With the economy being the main issue of the upcoming Presidential election, it seems like we are so similar that there really is no difference, but upon further examination any objective observer can clearly see the great differences in the beliefs of true libertarians, and those of Tea Baggers.

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